Board Governance the Genuine Contact Way (Self-Study Program)


In our work with Non-Profits, it’s common to witness well-intended people of a Board of Directors getting bogged down. Good people become exhausted and conform to a status quo of “this is how we always do it.” Parking lot discussions of “what we should really be doing” amongst a few replace discussions in the Board room. Frustration is high. Often apathy sets in. Good solutions from good people don’t make it to the Board for consideration.

It is possible to turn this around, even quickly. Learn how we use the Genuine Contact way as a holistic approach to support Boards of Directors to perform using the combined wisdom and energy that the members of the BOD bring. The Genuine Contact way provides guidance regarding the implementation of a culture of leadership at the BOD level. This involves the BOD shifting to operating with a leadership model of policy governance.

Key Areas To Be Covered:

  1. Board Governance/Risk Management
  2. Creativity, Innovation, Collaboration
  3. Decision Making
  4. Improving the Board Meeting

This workshop will support you in making the most of your Board’s contributions to your organization, to improve the vital work that only the BOD is positioned to do, and to do it well. By attending, you will pick up tips, techniques, and knowledge to renew, re-energize, and harvest ideas for working even better together.


Your Facilitators

Photo of Birgitt Williams outdoors with greenery in the background. Birgitt is the Co-Creator of the Genuine Contact program and a Senior Consultant at Dalar International Consultancy.Birgitt Williams is an international management and organizational solutions consultant, author, meeting facilitator, teacher, keynote speaker and executive coach. Her business focus is to create inspiring work environments that are highly effective in achieving their purpose and fulfilling their vision. She is an advocate of creating and nurturing a culture of leadership. Through this work, she focuses on supporting leaders to develop their leadership to lead so that others will lead…rather than leading for others to follow.

Birgitt has mastery in possibility thinking and in working with the full potential of both tangible and intangible assets in organizations of all kinds including private sector, public and government sector, communities, consortiums, and strategic collaborations. She is skillful at system change, team cohesion, strategy focus, multi-disciplinary teams and cross cultural work.

Learn more about Birgitt

Photo of Rachel Bolton outdoors with greenery in the background. Rachel is the Director of Genuine Contact and a Senior Consultant at Dalar International Consultancy.Rachel Bolton is a consultant, coach and mentor working internationally and cross-culturally, lending her skills to meeting facilitation, strategic planning, leadership development, and organizational change work.

As the Director of the international Genuine Contact Organization, leading this international collaboration of coaching and consulting professionals.  This directorship provides her with the unique experience of working with a diverse, multi-cultural team located all over the world.  These experiences have helped her to hone her skills and abilities to lead so that people will lead, participating in highly engaging and effective distance meeting facilitation and coaching practices.

Learn more about Rachel


Self-Study Program

Based on the real-time recording from March 23, 2022, your self-study materials include:

  • workshop guidebook (14 pages)
  • audio recording of the original workshop (2 hours, 10 minutes)
  • workshop whiteboards (24 pages)

These materials are provided for self-study.  You can download the audio file for easy offline listening if you prefer.  In order to make the most of your learning experience, we recommend you listen to the recording while also following along with the whiteboards and the guidebook.

Genuine Contact Specialty Series

This online workshop is part of the Genuine Contact Specialty Series. Each program in this series is designed to showcase an original application of Genuine Contact as developed by Genuine Contact professionals. Genuine Contact provides a blended, synergistic, holistic approach to change and to leadership. It is not about a big quick splash, but rather about developing the skills, knowledge, and capacity to sustain the ongoing organizational change necessary to thrive in today’s constantly changing, complex times.

The Genuine Contact Program and all of its applications are used around the world in the private sector, non-profit sector, development agencies, health and social services, and in organizations of all types.