The International Genuine Contact Organization is a strategy focused organization, with our members working together to expand the capacity of the organization and its members to spread Genuine Contact in the world. Our members work together within 5 key areas of focus.
Our Organization as a Learning Playground
There is an incredible opportunity for learning together in our International Genuine Contact Organization. The majority of the work that is done inside this organization is done by our members - volunteers who have the passion, time, and energy to take on work that supports the GCO in fulfilling its purpose. Our work is guided by our Operating Matrix which was last refreshed in late 2020 and is intended to be accomplished by the end of 2025.
Every project undertaken in our organization is an opportunity to learn more about working with the tools of Genuine Contact. For applying the processes you've learned in various workshops together with others who are familiar with these processes (maybe before you try them out in your own work!). There are opportunities for mentoring and being mentored. Building professional relationships and working on your personal and professional development. The learning playground is here and ready for you.
You're Invited to Learn Too
There are always opportunities to get involved. Check out what's happening right now and what's up next. If you're inspired to participate in the work, your volunteer contributions benefit you in your learning and in contribution points towards your membership. If you find something you're interested in getting involved with, contact the membership team and they will connect you with the right people and resources to get started.

High Quality Practice
High quality practice in the International GCO supports members to develop their own high quality practice through participation, engagement and mentoring. This serves as a catalyst for members to recognize, refine and learn in order to apply the Genuine Contact way of working with their clients, teams and life.
Recently Completed
- New membership badges showcasing the 5 Beliefs of Genuine Contact available in your membership hub.
In Progress
- The GC Way Branding Project will help us to understand ways we can make the beliefs, givens, and quality of Genuine Contact more visible and more consistently described - by the GCO and by our members working the Genuine Contact Way.
- GC Hubs Development: understanding what a GC Hub is and how it relates to our GCO.
- Updating the workbooks to reflect language changes and framing each module within the context of the whole Genuine Contact Program.
- Mentoring Opportunities
Up Next
- Transition from existing informal GC Hubs to a more formal structure supported by the GCO.
- Clarifying opportunities for mentoring/apprenticeship programs.

Wise and Playful Marketing
Develop and carry out an inspirited way to provide pathways to access and engage with the Genuine Contact way of working. Provide beautiful, aligned, and clear messaging and resources that support members to share about the spirit and practice of the Genuine Contact way of working.
Recently Completed
- Updated criteria for what needs to be in place for collaboration between the GCO and GC Trainers to support independent learning opportunities through GC Program Modules, programs rooted in Genuine Contact, and Genuine Contact Mentoring Circles.
In Progress
- The GC Way Branding Project will help us to harmonize, clarify and implement the Genuine Contact Way brand, now and into the future. It will also begin to capture stories about the Genuine Contact Way of working and living that can be easily shared with others.
- Identifying what resources need to be updated or created to support members in sharing about the Genuine Contact Way of working. This includes looking at different mediums and platforms for sharing.
- Updating the GC Resources Library to our current brand template.
- Updating the look of all of the Genuine Contact workbooks to our current brand.
Up Next
- Membership Team updating some aspects of the membership structure based on learnings from the first 3 years of participation.

Organizational Development
Increase vitality and nourishment of the organization in order to deliver continuous value to its members through creating the appropriate life-nourishing structures that enable people who choose to participate to work together building a robust organization that can dance with change.
Recently Completed
- Refreshing the Operating Matrix for the GCO
In Progress
- Evaluating apps to support our collective work more effectively.
- Identifying mentored learning opportunities for meeting facilitation.
- GCO Monthly Meetings: collectively working on the organization's emerging issues and opportunities
Up Next
- Developing digital workspace for our collective work in fulfilling the strategic plan.
- Developing the 2023 roadmap.

Building Membership Relationships
Support members to feel welcomed, inspired, and mobilized to share their unique gifts for the benefit of all. Stimulate cross-pollination between the International Genuine Contact Organization and its members to optimize the membership experience.
Recently Completed
- Developing onboarding materials for new people joining the Membership Team
In Progress
- Developing annual workplan.
- Reviewing and refining membership renewal process including update to contribution points.
- Updating membership groups to ensure different groups apply to all interested people can find a place they feel they belong.
- GC Power Hours
- Membership Renewals
Up Next
- Improving welcome communications for new members
- Developing new invitation materials for potential members
- Develop supporting materials for Trainers to encourage new members and support them through their first year of membership

Cooperation & Collaboration
Inspire and support cooperation and collaboration between members. Develop cooperative and collaborative relationships between the International Genuine Contact organization, related organizations, and other organizations interested in a holistic way of working.
Recently Completed
- Sponsorship of our first international event outside the GCO: Flourishing Futures
In Progress
- Developing an understanding of how GC Hubs can support regional and/or language-based cooperation and collaboration.
- Discernment exploration with the Center for Collaborative Awareness about where Collaborative Awareness and Genuine Contact meet and how we can support one another.
Up Next
- Harvesting and sharing our learnings about the GC Way branding project to inform future collaborative work within the organization.
Have Another Idea?
Members of our organization have long worked on passion projects - both together inside our organization as well as together as a private venture. If you have an idea for something that will deepen your experiences with the Genuine Contact way of working or will support the GCO in its work, there is always space available for you to make it happen.
Ready to move ideas into action?
You are recommended to check with the Leadership Management Team or Membership Team to see if anyone else is already working on something similar. If you'd like the GCO to support your efforts, you'll definitely need to be in touch.
Otherwise, so long as your idea fits within the Foundational Givens for Genuine Contact and the Operating Givens for the GCO, you are welcome to get started!