You are invited to become a member of our Genuine Contact Organization. To support and invest in this organization and its work to spread Genuine Contact in the world. Membership is open to people who are ready to:
- experience great benefit through the insights, wisdom, and relationships you have by being a member of this ongoing mentoring circle
- find value in the resources that are available to you through your connection to this organization
- benefit in using Genuine Contact in your work and want to contribute to its ongoing growth and development
- have a desire to participate in and contribute to the success of the Genuine Contact Organization that makes all of this possible
Membership is much more valuable than any list of services and benefits could possibly communicate. The real value is in the relationships developed, the connections made and the opportunities taken advantage of through time spent with other members. There are also quite a number of direct, tangible benefits that our members use from the moment they join – making the decision to become a member an easy one.
Choose Your Membership Package
You are invited to join this membership community. Consider one of our paid membership options below – choose the one that suits your needs most, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact our Director to help you choose just the right option.
For as little as $99 annually, you can support the future of the Genuine Contact way of living and working.
Membership Levels of Support
For over 2 decades, Genuine Contact has grown and spread in the world through reciprocal relationships. While learning the modules of the Genuine Contact Program teaches tools and methods that can be applied immediately, being a member of the Genuine Contact Organization and contributing to its work offers an ongoing opportunity for learning deeply about the Genuine Contact way of working.
Built on a foundation of 5 beliefs, the 9 modules of the Genuine Contact Program, working with the Medicine Wheel Tool, and mentoring, our members contribute their time, passion, and wisdom to spread Genuine Contact in the world while benefitting from a powerful and holistic way of working in organizations and a vibrant membership community.

Supporter of GC (White) – Free
The Supporter of Genuine Contact membership group is perfect for those who have been recently introduced to Genuine Contact and are interested in learning more about the Genuine Contact way of working. Get started in your explorations with:
- Participation in our international email discussion forum (Google Group) to meet others and learn more about how they are working with Genuine Contact
- Subscription to our newsletter with articles and special event invitations
- Access to introductory resources about Genuine Contact
- Invitation to our open meetings
Supporter members do not need to have any previous experience with Genuine Contact. This free membership group is open to anyone with an interest in learning more about Genuine Contact.

Friends of GC (Orange)- $99
Supporters of Genuine Contact are a core group of members who want to learn more about and move into closer connection to the Genuine Contact way of working. Their support allows us to continue growing a strong community with meaningful engagement. Friends of GC represent the diverse global community in which we live and work.
Annual Benefits:
- All Friends of Genuine Contact benefits listed above
- Recognition on our Members Directory
- access to a digital library for Learning About Genuine Contact
- 10% members discount on many Genuine Contact program modules and specialized education offered by our members for working with Genuine Contact
- Member Badge to display on your website and marketing materials
GC Supporters have taken at least 1 Genuine Contact program module or have had an experience working the Genuine Contact way. When taking a workshop, their first year of membership is included as part of their workshop registration*.
* A free year of membership is included when you take your first Genuine Contact program module. Ask your Trainer for details.

Partners (Green) - $365 to $729
Partners are a group of dedicated members who feel connected to Genuine Contact and have the desire to sustain and increase their capacity in working the Genuine Contact way, whether as an independent consultant or in their work inside of an organization.
Annual Benefits:
- All GC Supporter benefits listed above
- Enhanced profile in our Members Directory and shared on our social media channels
- Access to a digital library of resources for working with Genuine Contact
- Promotion of your profile as a member of Genuine Contact on our social media channels
- Share up to 8 stories per year on our website and social media featuring your work and experiences of the Genuine Contact way of working
Partner members have taken at least 3 Genuine Contact program modules and have the opportunity to become authorized Genuine Contact Professionals; agreeing to work within quality standards for working the Genuine Contact way.

Ambassador (Blue) - $730 to $999
Ambassador members can be proud of the contribution they make to the dreams and aspirations of Genuine Contact. They are deeply connected to and engaged in the Genuine Contact way of working. Often more active in their working contributions, Ambassador members want to be a part of the development of Genuine Contact and to use their participation in the work of the Genuine Contact Organization to continue their learning and capacity development.
Annual Benefits:
- All Partner benefits listed above
- Robust profile in our Member Directory and featured in our newsletter at least once per year
- Share up to 12 stories per year on our website, social media, and newsletter featuring your work and experiences of the Genuine Contact way of working
- Trainers Toolkit to support workshop facilitation including curated resources, workshop facilitation samples, and more.
- Participation in the GC Trainers discussion forum for ongoing mentoring on workshop facilitation (authorized GC Trainers only)
- Promotion of your workshops (Genuine Contact program and those rooted in Genuine Contact) on our website, newsletter, and social media
Ambassador members have taken at least 5 Genuine Contact program modules to support their ongoing and deepening work the Genuine Contact way.

Stewards (Co-Owners/Purple) - $1,000+
Genuine Contact Co-Owners are deeply committed to the stewardship of Genuine Contact and Working together to expand the capacity of the organization and its members to spread Genuine Contact in the world.
As Stewards, leadership is shared among co-owners. The “Dance of Leadership” calls for Stewards to actively participate by stepping forward at some times and stepping back at others, but always with a commitment to the well-being of the Genuine Contact Organization and Genuine Contact.
Annual Benefits:
- All Ambassador benefits listed above
- Voting rights for all decisions made using our 5toFold Decision-Making Method
Stewards have completed their Train the Trainer and become authorized Trainers of the Genuine Contact program. They make an annual commitment to their Co-Ownership and support the ongoing stewardship of Genuine Contact now and for generations to come. To sign up to become a Steward, contact the membership team.

Elders (Gold) - $99 - $1000
Members who have had 10+ years of contribution to the Genuine Contact Organization who are changing their phase of life and want to stay connected to the GCO, making contributions to support the GCO to thrive. The Elders Group is for people who have invested themselves, their time and energy to grow the use of Genuine Contact in the world. Elders want to continue to grow and sustain the GCO as an important legacy that they contribute to the world now and into the future.
Annual Benefits
- All Ambassador benefits listed above
* Monthly and quarterly payment plans are available for all paid membership groups. If you prefer to separate your membership fee in this way, please contact the Director to set up your membership subscription fee.
Your membership starts immediately and is renewable annually on your anniversary date.
Financially Accessible Membership Opportunities
Our Membership Support Team is busy developing new and innovative ways to make membership in Genuine Contact as financially accessible as possible.
We know there are many reasons for membership fees to feel challenging - both in the differences in currency value in national and international economies and in personal situations. As a student, in business start-up, challenging business years, retirement, and many other personal situations, making a financial commitment to membership might feel like a big investment. As people passionate about Genuine Contact in developing countries, making payment in US dollars and in US dollar value internationally, we know it's often not always realistic. What's most important for us in Genuine Contact is that people who are passionate about being members of the organization can join us!
While we develop our accessible membership prototype, if you find that the membership fee feels like a barrier to participate, please contact the Director to work out an appropriate financial contribution. This is on an honor basis, so you won't need to make a financial disclosure to make alternative arrangements.
Earn Points Towards Your Membership
Starting from the first day of your membership, you can earn points towards your membership renewal fee. Points can be earned:
- Loyalty Points: Earned through your years of involvement and your continuing education through Genuine Contact Program workshops and other programs rooted in Genuine Contact.
- Contribution Points: Earned through your participation in the Genuine Contact Organization through active contributions to the growth of Genuine Contact worldwide. Check out some of the ways you can get involved and earn contribution points.
Points are collected throughout your membership year and counted towards your membership renewal fee.
Ready to Become a Member?
You can sign up for your Supporter, Friend, Partner, Ambassador, Steward, or Elder membership at the appropriate link above. If you have any questions or want to learn more about membership benefits, including the learning opportunities available by supporting the work happening in our GCO, please contact Anna Caroline Türk and Ann-Heidi Paulsen Orvik, our membership coordinators.