If you're interested in learning more about a holistic approach to organizational success, our recommended reading list is a great place to dive in. Here you'll find:

  • Books about or based on Genuine Contact - written by members around the world.
  • From our Community - books, blogs, chapters, and articles written by members of our Genuine Contact Organization
  • Bibliography - the books that have helped to inform the thinking about Genuine Contact
  • Recommended Reading - books that can support your thinking about holistic approaches to organizational success

Click on the book cover or link below to be taken to Amazon or the original publisher to learn more and get your copy.

Books About or Based On Genuine Contact

These materials are all published by members of our community and focus on the program, approach, tools, processes and beliefs used within Genuine Contact.

The Genuine Contact Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership
by Birgitt Williams

The Genuine Contact Way: Music CD
by Ani Williams

Kultur för ledarskap by Eiwor Backelund

Kultur för ledarskap
by Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson

Happy Leaders - Happy People - Great Results: Über die Kunst, ausgeglichen und erfolgreich zu führen
by Sabine Bredemeyer

Der Organisationskompass in Coaching und Beratung: Einzelne, Teams und Organisationen ganzheitlich, werteorientiert und lebendig begleiten

by Isabella Klein

Cooking with Genuine Contact: Recipes & Memories from Raleigh (Genuine Contact Cookbooks)
by Eiwor Backelund-Jacobsson and Rachel Bolton
with Photography by Anders Johansson

From Our Community of Professionals

Books, chapter contributions, articles and more - all from members of our Genuine Contact Organization - are featured here.

Från Grupp Till Team
by Eva P Svensson

Online Meetings - Efficiency, Accessibility & Creativity
by Ulrika Eklund & Terese Raymond

Distansmöten - Effektivitet, Tillgänglighet & Kreativitet
by Ulrika Eklund & Terese Raymond

EL PROCESO CREATIVO EN EL ARBOL DE LA VIDA.  Cuando el Cielo toca la Tierra.
by Elisabeth Tepper Kofod

The World According to Michael
by Michael Lightweaver

El Mundo Según Michael
by Michael Lightweaver

1001 Truths: Love in a Time of Revolution
by Christiane Amini


Genuine Contact was developed in the 1990s and early 2000s. This section includes a complete bibliography that informed its development.

Workshop Specific Reading

Looking for literature related to a specific Genuine Contact Program workshop? You can find it here!

Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution

Diversity and Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching
by Margery Ginsberg and Raymond Wlodkowski

Genuine Contact Organization

The Old Way of Seeing
by Jonathan Hale



Medicine Wheels: Ancient Teachings for Modern Times
by Roy I. Wilson



DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life
by Johnson F. Yan

Recommended Reading

Since the Genuine Contact Program was first developed, dozens, or perhaps hundreds of books have been published that continue to inform and support the work we do.  This section includes some favorites you'll find on the shelves of our members.

Toxic Emotions at Work: How Compassionate Managers Handle Pain and Conflict
by Peter J. Frost

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else
by Patrick Lencioni

Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance—and What We Can Do About It
by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time
by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Topic Specific Reading

As a holistic approach, Genuine Contact takes into consideration a surprising diversity of topics in its development and its application. This section includes some favorites you'll find on the shelves of our members.


Read the latest in blogs from our community of professionals: