Leading Online Collaboration

Today, more and more often we work in online environments. It is a simple and effective opportunity to work with people from afar. When connecting to one person for a conversation, it is easy to use Skype, Zoom or other apps instead of making a phone call. When you want to … Read More

Silencio y Espacio

Read this post in English here. Vengo de un mundo corporativo altamente competitivo y en esa época tenía la extraña idea de que debía hablar todo el tiempo, muy especialmente, tenía que defender mis ideas.  Para probar que era una líder había que hablar, hablar y hablar.  Si hacía eso, … Read More

Silence and Space

Lea este post en español. Coming from a very competitive corporate world I had the weirdest notion that I always needed to speak, especially speak up.  To prove I was a leader I had to talk, talk, talk.  If I did, I could “grow” within the organization and become someone renowned and … Read More

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