One of our preferred methods, when we are asked to facilitate a group, is Whole Person Process Facilitation (WPPF). Our clients, whether in the private or public sector, get results from an WPPF meeting greater in both quantity and quality than they initially thought possible.
WPPF creates meetings that produce results by tapping into the creativity and collective genius of the participants in the meeting. WPPF works well with groups from 6 to 150 people and from 3 hours in length to several days.
WPPF accesses the greatest potential of the individual participants involved and of the group as a whole, thereby achieving maximum learning and results. WPPF achieves these outcomes by using a structure and exercises that engage the “whole brain” – the creative, intuitive, subjective “right brain” as well as the analytic, logical, objective “left brain”; and engage the “whole person” – the mind, body, heart and spirit.
Whole Person Process Facilitation
Within Whole Person Process Facilitation, there are several key and vital components that are to be addressed. How each of these is addressed is up to the artistry of the individual facilitator. The key and vital components are addressed throughout the meeting, of course with some special emphasis at the very beginning to get it all going. From my perspective, if you have achieved all of this, you have facilitated a Whole Person Process Facilitated meeting.
The process is invitational and thus respectful of a person’s right to make his/her choices in every moment. Participants are artfully invited to:
- Transfer whole person in, to the extent that s/he is able and willing to do so at the time, as early as possible in the meeting and continually throughout the meeting.
- Access individual objectives for participating in the meeting, thus establishing a personal connection of meaning with the meeting.
- Bring emotions into the meeting by identifying hopes and fears.
- Access intellectual and intuitive intelligence.
- Accessing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual intelligence and thereby access mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consciousness.
- Access optimal learning through meeting the needs of all learning styles including learning through reflection, feelings, doing, and thinking and including the learning style needs of the kinesthetic, visual and auditory learners.
- Exercise maximum choice and maximum freedom to access and apply their potential to the extent possible within the authentic and stated constraints placed on them by the organization.
- Master personal leadership.
- Engage in genuine contact and communication that goes beyond roles and masks.
Potential results at the time of the meeting and for the ongoing benefit of the organization and its individuals include:
- Optimal use of the intellectual and intuitive wisdom of the people involved.
- Optimal individual and collective learning and implementation of learning.
- Mastery in focusing individual and collective energy constructively.
- A culture of personal leadership.
- A culture of genuine contact and communication that goes beyond roles and masks.
- Results regarding the topic and goals of the meeting itself up to and including an implementation plan.
Birgitt, as well as being a Co-owner, is a Co-founder of the Genuine Contact program. She is an international management and organizational solutions consultant, author, meeting facilitator, teacher, and executive coach. Visit her website for more information.
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