One Day in 2050

An invitation from the global initiative One Day in 2050 gave me the energy to start a local conversation about how a day in 2050 would be in our community. A conversation that inspired and engaged a local group of grade 8 students while giving them the experience of participatory … Read More

What is Whole Person Process Facilitation?

One of our preferred methods, when we are asked to facilitate a group, is Whole Person Process Facilitation (WPPF). Our clients, whether in the private or public sector, get results from an WPPF meeting greater in both quantity and quality than they initially thought possible. WPPF creates meetings that produce … Read More

15 minute meeting as a new standard? No thank you.

I was watching a webinar last week to find out about the latest and greatest tools for working online. By the time I was done, I had a sick feeling in my stomach. The more I heard about “great ways” companies are adapting to working online, the sicker I felt. … Read More

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