Sometimes saying NO is very important

(Publicación disponible en español) How a “fold” in 5toFold can lead to a conscious project. In September 2008 I was lucky to become a Trainer of the Genuine Contact Program. And I also had the opportunity to be present at my first conscious decision-making session. I had never been in … Read More

A veces, decir NO es muy importante

(Post available in English) Como con un “pliegue” en 5toFold se llega a un proyecto consciente. En Septiembre de 2008 tuve la suerte de formarme como Trainer del Programa de Genuine Contact.  Y también tuve la oportunidad de estar presente en mi primera sesión de toma de decisiones consciente.  Nunca … Read More

Winning isn’t good decision-making

A number of years ago I had just stepped into the Leadership Management Team of the Genuine Contact Organization and we were in a process of making some important decisions about the direction of the organization. I was learning how our systems and processes worked and was new to what … Read More

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