Whether you take just 1 Genuine Contact program workshop, a few to meet a learning goal, or the entire series, these books will support you in deepening your learning about working with the Genuine Contact program and approach.
The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today's Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems
by Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, Steven Cady
The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary
by Ángeles Arrien
Turbulent Mirror: An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness
by John Briggs and David Peat
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness
by Robert K. Greenleaf
Working It Through: An Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Workshop on Life, Death and Transition
by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform our World
by Carol S. Pearson