Change process with channel workers

“I really don’t know what to do now” – said my new client, looking depressed at the desk in front of him. “I’ve really tried everything.” The man was visibly affected, sitting slumped in his chair and making no secret of his perplexity. Unusual for an executive. For me, admirable … Read More

One Day in 2050

An invitation from the global initiative One Day in 2050 gave me the energy to start a local conversation about how a day in 2050 would be in our community. A conversation that inspired and engaged a local group of grade 8 students while giving them the experience of participatory … Read More

Maturity Exam

It was many years ago now and I have forgotten the names of those involved. However, the experience they gave me was so profound that I still carry it very vividly in me. In colour and in the total orchestration of my feelings at the time. It was my very … Read More

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