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Eva lives outside Gothenburg in Sweden and has worked as a consultant for almost 20 years. Before that, she was an HR manager/director working mainly with change-oriented work in most of her working life from both the industrial sector and government/community work.

The simple, but highly effective, Genuine Contact Tools help Eva to support her clients to navigate successfully through change by inviting the collective wisdom of the organization and yet that the management/leadership team can stir in the desired direction.

Working with both small groups and large group intervention she has a wide range of ways of working. A specialty is to work with horses as a co-coach with her clients in H.A.L.T ®– Horse Assisted Leadership Training. Where Eva takes individuals or groups to the stable to work with horses – a truly honest way of getting feedback and a great way to be in Genuine Contact with both self and others.

Why the Genuine Contact way of working?

Services Rooted in Genuine Contact

What services do you offer that are rooted in Genuine Contact?

All consulting, coaching and facilitation Eva offers are based on Genuine Contact:

  • Individual and Leadership Development:  Eva’s clients are leaders, leadership team, groups from midsized to large organizations from business to municipal and government sectors. An important takeaway from her work is the participants’ ability to form their own future and take responsible actions.
  • Organizational Development: By working with large group methods Eva helps organizations from all sizes to navigate through change in the desired direction.

Eva works as a business consultant and Genuine Contact Trainer all over the world.

Genuine Contact Program Workshops

This Trainer offers the following workshops. Check out their website or our Upcoming Events page for details.
  • Path to Organizational Health and Balance
  • Achieving Organizational Health and Balance
  • Individual Health and Balance
  • Working with Open Space Technology
  • Whole Person Process Facilitation
  • Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution
  • Genuine Contact Organization


English, Swedish