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Elisabeth is a Facilitator of Transformation Processes. Genuine Contact and all its elements are key to the work she does. She believes our light is meant to shine, individually and as organizations,

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I was recently called an "iconoclast" and was surprised. Understanding that the meaning is being one who breaks what is considered an icon, I can relate to that. I was born in Denmark, raised in Venezuela, and now live in Spain. I formally graduated in Business Administration, and worked in corporate America for over 20 years. In 2020 I decided it was time to fly solo, to start my own business as a Facilitator of Transformation Processes. I call myself a facilitator, because I only make it clearer to clients as to what they can be and do to make their own transformations. I use many tools to do this, from very practical NeuroLinguistic Programming, Family Constellations, to more mystical fields such as Tarot, Astrology or the Kabalistic Tree of Life. In 2008 I got my GC Train the Trainer certificate, and since then, GC is the way I work, because as you can see or you will see, GC is the perfect combination of "walking Spirit with practical feet".

Why the Genuine Contact way of working?

Services Rooted in Genuine Contact

What services do you offer that are rooted in Genuine Contact?

Facilitation of highly effective and productive meetings using Whole Person Process Facilitation and Open Space Technology.

Training of the Genuine Contact Program workshops.

Coaching the Genuine Contact Way

Conscious Project Design using the Medicine Wheel Tool

Genuine Contact Program Workshops

This Trainer offers the following workshops. Check out their website or our Upcoming Events page for details.
  • Path to Organizational Health and Balance
  • Achieving Organizational Health and Balance
  • Individual Health and Balance
  • Holistic Leadership Development
  • Working with Open Space Technology
  • Whole Person Process Facilitation
  • Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution
  • Genuine Contact Organization
  • Train the Trainer


English, Spanish