Elder Membership (Gold)


Members who have had 10+ years of contribution to the Genuine Contact Organization who are changing their phase of life and want to stay connected to the GCO, making contributions to support the GCO to thrive. The Elders Group is for people who have invested themselves, their time and energy to grow the use of Genuine Contact in the world. Elders want to continue to grow and sustain the GCO as an important legacy that they contribute to the world now and into the future. Elders are ready and willing to work from the current stage of development of the GCO, celebrating how far we have developed and prepared to support growth into the future.

Annual Benefits:

  • Participation in our international email discussion forum (Google Group) to meet others and learn more about how they are working with Genuine Contact
  • Subscription to our newsletter with articles and special event invitations
  • Invitation to our open meetings
  • 10% members discount on many Genuine Contact program modules and specialized education offered by our members for working with Genuine Contact
  • Member Badge to display on your website and marketing materials
  • Access to a digital library of resources for working with Genuine Contact
  • Robust profile in our Member Directory and featured in our newsletter at least once per year
  • Promotion of your profile as a member of Genuine Contact on our social media channels
  • Share up to 12 stories per year on our website, social media, and newsletter featuring your work and experiences of the Genuine Contact way of working
  • Trainers Toolkit to support workshop facilitation including curated resources, workshop facilitation samples, and more.
  • Participation in the GC Trainers discussion forum for ongoing mentoring on workshop facilitation (authorized Trainers only)
  • Promotion of your workshops (Genuine Contact program and those rooted in Genuine Contact) on our website, newsletter, and social media

The annual membership fee is on a sliding scale of $49 to $1,000. Please contact the Director for a coupon code to adjust the registration fee to your chosen contribution amount.

Honorary Members

Co-Owners who meet the Elders prerequisites and wish to continue in stewardship while being active in the Elders group can be Honorary Elders. These are the only membership groups where a person can be a part of 2 membership groups at the same time.

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This registration is for the Elder (Gold) Group.

You are invited to renew your membership in our Genuine Contact Organization as you change to this membership group. To support and invest in this organization and its work to spread Genuine Contact in the world. Membership is much more valuable than any list of services and benefits could possibly communicate. The real value is in the relationships developed, the connections made and the opportunities taken advantage of through time spent with other members. There are also quite a number of direct, tangible benefits that our members use from the moment they join – making the decision to become a member an easy one.

There are 6 membership groups to choose from:

  • Supporter (White): Introduction to the Community – this free membership group offers you the opportunity to begin learning what the Genuine Contact way of working is and how you can be connected.
  • Friend (Orange): Get Involved – For new members who want to learn more and move into closer connection with Genuine Contact. Being a Friend of GC is also for people who want to stay connected and be part of the GC community while continuing to learn more about the GC way of working.
  • Partner (Green): Deepen Your Connection – People who feel connected to Genuine Contact who have taken a minimum of 3 workshops, who want to participate in events, learn more and get benefits from your engagement. For people working the Genuine Contact Way (whether a little, a lot, or all you do) who want to sustain and increase your capacity in working with Genuine Contact.
  • Blue: Take Leadership – People who are deeply connected to and engaged in Genuine Contact who have taken a minimum of 5 workshops. Your work and/or life have deep roots in the Genuine Contact Way. You want to be a part of the Genuine Contact Organization and participate in leadership of development projects.
  • Steward (Co-Ownership): Guide into the Future – Authorized Genuine Contact Trainers are all eligible to become members of the Genuine Contact Co-Owners Group. These members take leadership for the Genuine Contact Organization. The Genuine Contact Co­-Owners’ Group Inc. is the steward of the GC Program and support members in growing Genuine Contact in the world.
  • Elder (Gold): Share Your Legacy – Members who have had 10+ years of contribution to the Genuine Contact Organization who are changing their phase of life and want to stay connected to the GCO and to provide a legacy group for people who have invested themselves, their time and energy to grow the use of Genuine Contact in the world and want to continue to grow and sustain the GCO, and by doing so are creating personal legacies of their contribution.

If you have loyalty points to use towards your membership, please contact the Director for more information about your registration.