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We have long known from nature: renewal and therefore change is perpetual and the more flexible and innovative a system can react, the greater the chance of survival. The key to success is cooperation.
My Diploma in Business Administration lead me into the companie's world where I mainly worked in the marketing for consumer goods. After 10 years I decided to step out and to step into a whole new world that lead to life long learning. Almost 20 years ago I fell in love with the Genuine Contact Approach and since then have added a lot more wisdom and knowledge - also from other holistic approaching. My first footprints in this new world where large group interventions. Only slowly I discovered the importance of understanding the power of leadership; and the impact of a holistic approach to change. But instantly I felt to be right with an approach that focusses on wellbeing of humans and health and balance of organisations. Me and the world I thought need tools for liberating structures, self-responsibility and purpose-oriented work.
I work with all sorts of clients. The ones I am very successful with are those that have big problems and stuck in old school leadership, structures and behaviour. The ones I really enjoy are those that believe that sustainable success is depending on the wellbeing of the organisation and its people.
I was born in Germany and lived in New York, Switzerland and France. I now live in the north of Germany on a beautiful lakeside where I offer GC-Trainings. My family gives structure and love, my Genuine Contact partners stability and help and Natur power and inspiration for my work.
Why the Genuine Contact way of working?
The Genuine Contact way of working offered answers to questions I had (see above) and how to support organic growth and wellbeing while successfully achieving business objectives. With it's natural approach that evokes development from within the system itself it also suites fine with me: I can offer the authenticity and power I have. I favour the simple and powerful simplicity of the tools that support my coaching and organisational development work. The approach is suitable for complex situations and decisions. It accomplishes highly successful major goals while at the same time it nurture a culture of leadership and sustains health and balance. People therefore thrive in change they cope with.
Services Rooted in Genuine Contact
What services do you offer that are rooted in Genuine Contact?- Organisational- and team- development work. I design and develop processes of sustainable development of transformation.
- Meeting and process- facilitation: I design and lead important meetings for your organisation, especially when it comes to difficult and diverse situations.
- Coaching and Mentoring: I build the capacity of people and especially leaders
- Leadership Development: Today we need a leadership conduct and attitude that enables others to lead -> I work with groups or one on one with people who want build their leadership capacity to work in and with change
Genuine Contact workshops; check out move4change.de for upcoming Events
- Path to Organizational Health and Balance
- Achieving Organizational Health and Balance
- Individual Health and Balance
- Whole Person Process Facilitation
- Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution
- Genuine Contact Organization