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Ann-Heidi started working in public offices at 15, as an extra job. Working for the common good, and in a democratic institution lead by elected representatives made a huge impression and set the course for her working life. After finishing regional collage in 1993 she have worked in public institutions as higher education, state, county and municipality administrations. Over the years following she have been leader, executive leader, politician and representative of the workers union.
After ending her second position as head of municipality administration in 2017, she have been an entrepreneur and founder of the business The Democratic Tool box. Her she help public and private organization innovate through processes of Change, coach executive leaders and teams to perform better using the Genuine Contact framework and tools, together with the experience and knowledge gotten through the master in public co-creation innovation, planning and leadership.
Why the Genuine Contact way of working?
I work the Genuine Contact way because I can see it work. Using easy framework and tools in complex situation, letting people be what they are, and bring their wisdom and skills without blame, give energy, make a life nurturing climate and build strong communities that know each other strengths and want to succeed together. It foster leaders with the courage and will to lead, and make a climate of acceptance. Within a community like this people take the lead themselves, within the strategy and visions of the whole and you get a high performing organization where people thrive.
Services Rooted in Genuine Contact
What services do you offer that are rooted in Genuine Contact?Coaching the GC way.
Strategic oriented processes the GC way.
Designing and facilitation meetings and processes using the Whole person process facilitation container and Open Space.