2001 – Take some time in the woods

Michael Vinson | Arkansas, USA | https://genuinecontact.net/user/michael-vinson/

My first memory of GC was in October right after the bombing of the World Trade Center in September. It was the very first OST meeting in the GC series and after the events on 9/11 there was only me and one other person who traveled to Raleigh for the workshop. (Sorry I don’t remember her name she was from Canada maybe Birgitt can remember).

We got to the part where we were to discuss our definition of Open Space. Birgitt walked us down the lane behind the house, past the pond and told us the hillside was full of inspiring crystals and that we should take some time in the woods, among the crystals and come up with a definition. The two of us climbed the hill as Birgitt waited in the lane to make sure we were on our way. The last thing Birgitt remember seeing was me tumbling over the other side of the hill. Being convinced no real harm was done, she went back to the house. When we returned to the house for our reflection circle Birgitt had a good laugh about her last sighting of me tumbling over the crystal hill. When we shared our definitions of Open Space she looked at me with wide eyes saying that was the best definition she had ever heard. Unfortunately I do not remember the definition but I’m sure its recorded somewhere.