2001 – Take some time in the woods

My first memory of GC was in October right after the bombing of the World Trade Center in September. It was the very first OST meeting in the GC series and after the events on 9/11 there was only me and one other person who traveled to Raleigh for the … Read More

2001 – The moment I stepped into the container

2001 my life was in chaos. I was working in Information Technology, in a high demand project with a US company in Nova Scotia. My father was dying, my 18 year marriage was ending and I was at a loss as to how to ‘fix’ any of it. The twin … Read More

2001 – Since then I’m hooked!

My first memory is when I heard about “open space” something and I looked it up on internet and up came a webpage from a person – living just 15 min away from me, so I phoned him and that was Thomas Herrman. I asked him if he could tell … Read More

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