Evaluating Impacts in Organizations Workshop
Evaluating Impacts for Improved Results (Self-Study Program)

With this workshop, you as a leader and/or facilitator will get an understanding of how to evaluate impacts from change efforts such as trainings or workshops and how that improves results. We share a simple framework and tools for how to put it to practice in easy and life-nurturing ways.

In this workshop, you will

  • Learn about the benefits of measuring impacts from development work in organizations
  • Learn about the framework Kirkpatrick 4 levels and how it can be used the Genuine Contact way for measuring impacts of a development process
  • Learn to use this approach in a holistic way – before, during, and after the intervention
  • Understand how this practice increases the ROE (return on expectations)
  • Hear stories of how we have successfully used the method in different organizations
  • Get an opportunity to reflect on your next steps

I have used this approach to measure impacts in 100’s of development activities over the last 15 years. I find it contributes to clarity in preparations with my sponsor, great reflections, and learning with participants and sponsors both after a training/workshop as well as in follow up meetings later. It’s like getting a specified receipt when you buy something – you know what you got.

Sign up now and get started learning about measuring impacts to increase results!

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