Advanced Skill Development Module 5 of the Genuine Contact Program

Develop your skills and knowledge to train others in the full Genuine Contact Program

We invite you to our Train the Trainer workshop to become authorized to teach all of the components of Genuine Contact Program. Join a growing number of colleagues internationally who are working with the Genuine Contact Program, enabling organizations to be healthy and balanced.

The Genuine Contact Program is the vehicle to develop the Genuine Contact Organization. The Genuine Contact Organization does better by increasing its capacity to navigate with change and to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. The Genuine Contact Organization does better because it taps into the wisdom of all of the people involved to find the best solutions. The Genuine Contact Organization does better because attention is paid to the underpinning “operating system” of the organization, ensuring a healthy terrain from which work gets done effectively with results that surpass expectations.

You will leave this experiential, interactive workshop equipped with:

  • Designs for teaching others in Advanced Skill Development modules 1-4 of the Genuine Contact Program and authorization to use them
  • Authorization to use the workbooks and hundreds of other resources of the Genuine Contact Program for use in teaching others including an array of handouts to choose from to accompany the workbooks
  • An expanded understanding of the meeting method Whole Person Process Facilitation
  • A working knowledge of creating mentoring circles and options for facilitating peer to peer mentoring
  • An expanded understanding of the process of organizational transformation
  • An expanded understanding of the key ingredients needed for organizational health and balance
  • An expanded understanding of your work in the world and why you do it, enabling you to develop practical strategies that move your purpose and vision forward
  • An expanded understanding of working with purpose, leadership, vision, community, management, and relationships within an organization
  • An expanded understanding of genuine contact as a key to growth and evolution
  • An expanded understanding of working with Spirit through working with energy

Anyone who has graduated as a GC Trainers has the right – but not the responsibility – to participate in creating the future of the Genuine Contact program and its community. Authorized trainers are invited to become co-owners of the Genuine Contact Co-Owners Group Ltd, a global Genuine Contact Organization that is the steward of the GC Program and support GC Professionals in growing Genuine Contact in the world. This provides a practical experience of leadership in a global GCO when learning and collaborating together with people spanning a multitude of competencies, cultures, and languages.

Workshop At A Glance

Train the Trainer: To be a Genuine Contact™ Trainer is to support life nourishing organizations and sustainable growth. You are invited to step into your extraordinary leadership and commit to your own development and growth. The workshop is designed so that you can grow into mastery in using and teaching the Genuine Contact program. With the Train the Trainer workshop you are authorized to teach the full program in-house and in public workshops. You are invited to join the ongoing international mentoring circle of Trainers and you will get access to resources to support you in working with Genuine Contact including sample training outlines for facilitating your own workshops. As a Genuine Contact Trainer, you are invited to become a member of the Genuine Contact Co-owner Group Inc.

Length: 5-7 days


  • Path to Organizational Health and Balance
  • Achieving and Regenerating Organizational Health and Balance
  • Working with Open Space Technology
  • Whole Person Process Facilitation
  • Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution
  • Genuine Contact Organization

What's Next

Genuine Contact Workshops are offered around the world and in several languages. Workshops are regularly offered in English, German, and Swedish. They are also offered occasionally in Dutch, French, Norwegian, Spanish, and Russian. Genuine Contact Professionals offer workshops both in person and online.  In short, it's easy to find an upcoming workshop near you!

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