Advanced Skill Development Module 1 of the Genuine Contact Program

Open Space Technology (OST) is a simple participatory meeting method to use when you have an urgent need to find solutions to complex and important and issues. When frequently used, OST invites shared leadership and creativity throughout the organization, creates a life nourishing climate and increases capacity to navigate with change and take advantage of opportunities as they arise. OST can be a catalyst for change and growth because of its effect on the organizational culture.

OST is often connected to large whole system meetings where the organization wants to utilize the collective wisdom. The method supports high energy, participation, and engagement in all group sizes and also works well with small groups. The easy setup of a meeting makes it suitable for any meetings where you have a theme or question, wish to find quick solutions and can let go of attachment to outcome. OST is suitable for both in-person and online meetings.

You will leave this experiential, interactive workshop equipped with:

  • How to facilitate meetings using the method Open Space Technology, including a planning and follow-up process to achieve the greatest leverage from the meeting
  • How to design OST meetings for conferences, community development, etc
  • How meetings can be used to sustain a healthy organizational climate
  • Working knowledge of basic multi-purpose tools: The Medicine Wheel Tool, the Deep Essence Tool, the Grief Cycle, the Organizational Lifecycle, the Storyline.
  • A practical means for working with the existing knowledge, wisdom, and information in the organization.
  • A complete skill and knowledge module for consultants, managers, and leaders with benefit used on its own or in conjunction with other components of the Genuine Contact Program


Workshop At A Glance

Working with Open Space Technology: A highly participative method for large group meetings, that when used frequently shifts the culture in the organization. You will learn to facilitate OST meetings and you will learn the longer process of planning meetings, debrief and accountability meetings to make optimal use of the results for the benefit of the organization.

Length:3-4 days
Pre-requisites: None

This workshop is pre-requisite to:

  • Genuine Contact Organization
  • Train the Trainer

What's Next

Genuine Contact Workshops are offered around the world and in several languages. Workshops are regularly offered in English, German, and Swedish. They are also offered occasionally in Dutch, French, Norwegian, Spanish, and Russian. Genuine Contact Professionals offer workshops both in person and online.  In short, it's easy to find an upcoming workshop near you!

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Open Space Technology was first developed by Harrison Owen in the 1980s and since then has been used in more than 140 countries with countless people experiencing the possibility that OST has to offer. Our Genuine Contact way of working with OST includes a specific planning process that supports creating the conditions for optimal success both in the experience of the OST meeting and in the implementation of its recommended actions in the weeks and months after the meeting is over. It also includes focus on the impacts of the repeated use of OST inside organizations to support the regeneration of a life nourishing climate and as a catalyst for organizational change and transformation.

You can learn more about Open Space and connect to a diverse group of OST practitioners at the OpenSpaceWorld website.