GCO Monthly Meeting: October


8 October, 2024    
9:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT


Rachel Bolton, GC Director


Bookings closed


Event Type

Member Discounts

Free Event

This is your invitation to join with your GC colleagues for a monthly Genuine Contact Organization meeting.

The purpose of these meetings is to support the spread of Genuine Contact in the world through coming together as members of the GCO, working and learning together. Whether conversation is related to work that is happening inside the GCO or mentoring support for members’ work with clients or in organizations, these meetings are an opportunity for all members to strengthen relationships with each other while getting important work done.

These monthly meetings offer a regular and fixed time for us to gather together in real-time to attend to the growth and development of Genuine Contact, the Genuine Contact Program, and the International Genuine Contact Organization.

As the Director of the Genuine Contact Organization and Program, I (Rachel Bolton) will be taking leadership for sponsoring these meetings. Other members of our organization are invited to join me in the leadership of individual meetings by offering your facilitation services if you choose. This is a great opportunity to practice facilitating WPPF meetings to deepen your understanding of this way of working.

The vision for these meetings is for many engaged members of our International Genuine Contact Organization coming together to actively and intentionally move our collective work forward in a timely way. Some of the content of these meetings can include:

  • Learn what is happening in different working groups in our organization and how you can participate if you have the passion to get involved.
  • Be in dialogue and mentoring on emerging issues and opportunities so that we are having necessary conversation in a timely way.
  • Engage in the collective wisdom of the participants as representatives of the bigger organization, when you have something to work on within the context of fulfilling our strategic plan.
  • Participate in decision making, using our Five to Fold decision-making process, where all participants can contribute to the process and those Co-Owners present make the final vote. Having this as a regular time for decision making will allow us to make necessary decisions as they emerge in a timely way, in addition to other decision making meetings that proposal sponsors may call.
  • Anything else that is emerging in the Genuine Contact Organization that feels important to address.

These meetings are going to be Genuine Contact Organization meetings, in which all members of the organization are welcome in the community. This includes anyone who is interested in Genuine Contact and is enacting your leadership by choosing to show up and be fully present.

So, if you are reading this, I hope you will consider adding these dates to your calendar to join us!

The method includes:

  • meeting dates
  • meeting method
  • decision making

Meeting Dates

The meetings will happen once a month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9 am – 12 pm EST / 3-6 pm CET.

While the time of the meeting is 9 am – 12 pm EST, the meetings will not always be for this entire duration. The length of the meeting will be informed by the emerging needs of the organization and the agenda that is built from those needs. Please block out this time in your calendar so that you are able to stay for the full meeting if possible, should decision making or other needs create a longer meeting time.

The first part of the meeting each month is an opportunity to share and hear updates from the Director, the Leadership Management Team and working groups who are taking on various opportunities for spreading Genuine Contact in the world as well as what everyone is noticing and experiencing in working the Genuine Contact Way. In hearing those updates, there is also the invitation to join in various activities if you have the time and passion to do so. If you are interested to participate in these updates and not interested in continuing on with the rest of the meeting, you are welcome to join us for the first hour to participate in these updates and then leave at the first break.

Meeting Method

The meetings will usually be held using WPPF as our method. However, the agenda of the meeting will inform its structure and so it may be another method that better suits the content.

The meetings will usually be held using Zoom + Miro. You’ll find the zoom link to join at the top of this page. You can view the Miro board anytime – whether participating during the meeting or reviewing the notes at any time.

Decision Making

These meetings are possible decision-making meetings. In order for a decision to be made at these meetings:

  • the proposal development operating given must be followed, including preparing the proposal in the proposal template and holding a draft proposal meeting to present the intended proposal to the Organization prior to our monthly meeting.
  • at the time of the proposal development meeting (or before), the intention to make this decision in our upcoming Genuine Contact Organization meeting must be stated, both at the proposal development meeting and to this list so that members of the organization know that a decision is going to be made
  • Proposal sponsors can use our monthly meeting time for decisions. If they feel a stand-alone meeting for decision making is required, they are welcome to schedule this at another time in the month.


Registration is closed for this event.