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From 2009 till 2022 I worked as a coach with Genuine Contact tools and philosophy, Multiple Intelligences and other methods in sync with the Genuine Contact Way. I have been working with GC and the development of the GC Mentoring Circles in the Netherlands from 2009 onward and am a happy member of the Elders Group and proud to develop a vision and way of working together.

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Helga Hohn lives and worked in the Netherlands. Born in Germany, raised in the Netherlands and living in the USA when 18 years of age she has become passionate about intercultural work. In her life and executive coaching she tied this in with the personal development of her clients with imagination and empathy. She loved to work with solid tools like GC provides to support and serve her customers as they plan, intuit and envision their goals and how to reach them.
Helga has an MSc in psychology and was awarded a PhD from Delft University of Technology on a research on 'Playing, Leadership and Team Development in Innovative Teams' in 2000.
Since 2024 she is part of the Elders Group of Genuine Contact.

Why the Genuine Contact way of working?

Services Rooted in Genuine Contact

What services do you offer that are rooted in Genuine Contact?

Next to being a master mentor for MIDAS professionals contributing to the Genuine Contact community in the Netherlands is one of  the pillars of my current life. As a former coach and trainer my interest is in the person behind the role and in his or her development. I worked with Genuine Contact tools and it's philosophy, Creativity and Multiple Intelligences in order to accelerate learning experiences of my coachees and encourage the use and application of their talents in their work and life.
I am a psychologist and after my masters degree in psychology in the University of Leiden, I was awarded my PhD from the Delft University of Technology in 1999. In the year 2000 Eburon published my research of 'Playing, Leadership and Team Development in Innovative Teams' in Delft. The theories of this thesis also lie at the basis of methods that are used in Genuine Contact. Please find other publications and the above mentioned book can be purchased on


German, English, Dutch