This Genuine Contact Organization includes hundreds of people spanning all continents of the globe. Our members include GC Professionals, GC Trainers and Co-Owners worldwide and we are all committed to working with Genuine Contact and sharing this way of working in our local, national and international communities.
We believe that leadership is a critical ingredient in order for our members to self-organize in their sharing of this way of working. Our leadership includes members of a Leadership Management and Director. They work together towards our strategies for supporting our members in their personal and professional development (always the Genuine Contact way) and in expanding Genuine Contact around the world.
Each member of our leadership team is happy to connect with you - to answer your questions about Genuine Contact, direct you to local GC Professionals and events, and talk about what is possible when we work the Genuine Contact way.
The Leadership Management Team
Doris Gottlieb

Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Available for contact in English and Dutch
I decided to step into the Leadership and Management Team because working in the LMT is a way to unite my deep commitment and passion for Genuine Contact and my desire to ensure that the organization that is tasked with supporting it is healthy, balanced and vital. Having a strong organization, I believe will act as a great support to people who work directly with the Genuine Contact approach as well as for people who are interested in it or those who have been clients of people within our larger Genuine Contact Community. I find it exciting, challenging and in the end deeply enriching to be part of a team of people who by stepping into the LMT are taking on a responsibility to support the larger community and to do that consequent with the beliefs and values of the Genuine Contact approach. For myself, taking on this role also provides me with ample opportunity to develop my own leadership and to share that learning more broadly with clients and colleagues.
Ad van Roosmalen

Located in Amsterdam. The Netherlands
Available for contact in English and Dutch
It’s an honour to be a member of the Leadership Management Team of this great orgniazation. I joined because Genuine Contact is central to the way I operate and the support structure provided by the GCO is very important in my day-to-day business. Also I believe together we can make a difference and I want to do my bit to spread the Genuine Contact approach across the globe.
Our Director - Rachel Bolton
As our Director, Rachel works alongside the Leadership Management Team and all of our organization's members to achieve our collective goals. She is a Co-Owner and has been a Genuine Contact Trainer since 2002. She works alongside the founders of Genuine Contact at Dalar International Consultancy as a Senior Consultant specializing in small business and project development. Rachel has been committed to supporting Genuine Contact and this organization for nearly 20 years. This is her second term as Director, having first worked in this capacity from 1999-2010.
Rachel has been the Director again since 2017. She enjoys working with other GC Professionals in growing Genuine Contact in the world and supporting everyone who works in this way in their personal and professional development. She loves being a part of this organization because of the long and deep relationships she has developed with colleagues that share a similar passion and belief in working together for the betterment of humanity across the globe.
You can contact Rachel by email or book a call with her to discuss all things Genuine Contact.