Birgitt Williams and Ward Williams are the co-creators of the Genuine Contact™ program that is now used by leaders, managers, and consultants in many countries. Several thousand people have been trained in components of this program, and many thousands more have benefited from leadership work using this program in organizations and in multi-organizational meetings.
Birgitt and Ward developed the Genuine Contact program and approach with emphasis that in order for it to be effective, change work must be led from within the organization. They designed it with simplicity in mind. The program, focusing on attending to organizational health and balance as a foundation for organizational success, uses meetings as a catalyst for organizations to develop as conscious, highly productive and effective, interconnected and creative organizations that are simultaneously life nourishing. Those in positions of leadership learn the difference between leadership and management. They learn to lead by nourishing a culture of leadership. They learn to manage more effectively. We call these organizations Genuine Contact Organizations.
The Genuine Contact program and approach was designed to assist organizations to develop as Genuine Contact Organizations when it is applied in its totality. It was also designed for the organization to have great benefit if using the skill set from only one of the parts. The process is organic so that every organization brings about its own unique change from within.
In 2006, Birgitt and Ward opened co-ownership of the Genuine Contact program to authorized Genuine Contact trainers in the world. This resulted in the formation of the Genuine Contact Co-owners Group, Inc. Ward led the process of figuring out the legal aspects for a unique and international business model for a social entrepreneurship.
Ward Williams works internationally with extraordinary leaders and businesses as a consultant, coach, mentor, and workshop leader. He has worked in many countries with numerous individuals and types of organizations over the past two decades. He is most passionate about working with leaders, scientists and others who are involved in environmental health including clean energy sources, air, water, and soil.
Birgitt Williams is an international management and organizational solutions consultant. Her focus is to create inspiring work environments that are highly effective in achieving their purpose and fulfilling their vision. She is an advocate of creating and nourishing a culture of leadership. Birgitt has mastery in possibility thinking and in working with the full potential of both tangible and intangible assets in organizations of all kinds including private sector, public and government sector, communities, consortiums, and strategic collaborations. She is skillful at leadership development, system change, team cohesion, strategy focus, multi-disciplinary teams and cross cultural work.
Birgitt is the author of The Genuine Contact Way. Birgitt maintains that there is leadership capacity within everyone and that it is time for people to awaken their leadership potential. She believes personal and professional leadership development cannot be separated. This book offers the reader the opportunity to take a deep dive into the subject of personal and professional leadership development. Readers are challenged to claim leadership of their lives and their businesses and organizations for the greater well-being of all, including our children and grandchildren. Readers are offered the opportunity to read a segment, reflect, discuss, and determine what makes sense for them in their personal and professional leadership, as individuals and as teams.
Learn more about Birgitt and Ward and connect with them on their website.