2008 – Neue Energie in mein Haus

Viele Jahre – bestimmt 5 oder 6 Jahre – bevor ich den ersten Workshop in 2008 besucht habe, hat mir meine Schwester Sabine immer wieder voller Begeisterung von den Tools und der Methode von GC erzählt. 2008 war es dann endlich auch für mich soweit, dass ich beim WPPF teilgenommen habe. … Read More

2007 – Myself, the others and the earth

Sitting in a circle, having deep conversations about being human, being in genuine contact with myself, the others, and the earth.

2006 – Imagine the magnetic effect

I met Birgitt and Ward in 2006 in the mountains of North Carolina. In 2007, I met them again and I heard them talk so passionately about their work, I just had to ask. Their passion, the description of the results they were achieving, their invitation for us to work … Read More

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